For B.C.'s artists who paint or draw
Submitting your Art News
Calls for Entry
published at no charge
(Scroll down for Art Show Submissions)
Calls for Entry are the top news priority of this publication, and Eve continually searches for these on the internet and in the many 'arts newsletters' she receives. But your voluntary submission is also welcome! Please e-mail your Call For Entry in any format, although a 'typed' format is preferred (such as in a Word document, or typed within your email message). Unlike a jpg or PDF file, a typed format allows "cutting and pasting," which reduces the risk of errors.
Submission tips: Always include a link to your Call or a contact e-mail or phone number for readers needing more information. And if there is a submission deadline, it must also be included! These are important and should be published in your Call For Entry item.
E-mail your Call to Eve If you need help wording your submission, Download this guide as a template.
ART SHOW submissions
Your Art Show or Exhibition "news" is also published free of charge, but this is not the priority of this publication. Art Shows appear only as an added feature in The Artist's Journal. Therefore, your art show must be submitted voluntarily (Eve does not search for them online, as she does for Calls), and they must be submitted in a typed format that is easy to 'cut and paste' into the publication. This helps avoid errors in spelling and other information. The information within a JPG image or PDF of your Art Show can't be "cut and pasted," so please do not submit a poster: It may not be published. Instead, submit your Art Show typed into your e-mail or attach it as a Word document. E-mail it to Eve Lees.
Submission tips: Please include the exact address of the show and a contact phone/e-mail or website link for readers to go to for more information. It is also recommended to look at the Art Shows column to see the preferred wording of the Art Shows published in The Artist's Journal. If you need help writing your news submission, download this guide to use as a template.
NOTE: Art Lessons and Workshops are not published free of charge. They are considered paid advertising (as a classified or display ad).
See below . . .
"Ad" or "Advertising" refers to paid space
Two sizes of Display Ads are available as well as Classified Advertising in the Classified Section. For more information and the rates, visit
Published since 1997, The Artist’s Journal remains the only source of province-wide Calls For Entry for B.C.’s artists who paint or draw.
Your news will be seen by many B.C. artists.
Send me
your news!
I am very grateful to those who regularly submit their Calls For Entry "news." It is a massive task for me to search every arts organization's website, so I greatly appreciate the many who voluntarily send me their Calls, which are free to publish.
Art Shows are also free to publish, but this type of news is not the priority of The Artist's Journal:
If you have time, here is more detailed information about submitting and writing your Art Show news items.
Eve Lees, editor
Publishing industry lingo:
"To advertise" refers to a paid advertisement.
To place a "News item" is submitting a free-of-charge item about your event.
For more information, contact
Eve Lees, editor/publisher, by e-mail