British Columbia, Canada
The Artist's Journal
The Artist's Journal
Calls for Entry for B.C.'s artists who paint or draw
The Artist's Journal is a single source of Calls for Entry for British Columbia artists who paint or draw, helping these artists increase their exposure and income. It is a listing of Calls for Entry and art competitions throughout British Columbia.
The Artist's Journal also allows arts organizations to promote their Calls (at no charge) throughout the province: Art Galleries, Councils, Clubs, and other Art Groups can get exposure outside their own backyards. They can attract artists from all over the province, increasing their membership-generated income and awareness of their group. In turn, they are helping BC's talented artists find the "work" they need for the income and exposure they deserve. There is no charge to publish a Call for Entry. Here are the submission guidelines. You can choose to receive reminders to submit your news, should you have a Call for Entry planned or know of one to tell us about! click here to be placed on the reminder list.
In the past, there was a subscription fee charged for individual artists or Art Organizations to receive this publication. However, in October of 2022, it became a free online publication. There is an option to receive an e-mail notice when a new Call for Entry is posted. See the New Call Notices link for fees and more info.
Paid advertising, as a display ad or classified ad, is also available and an effective way to target a specific audience (artists!). For more details see Paid Advertising Rates Paid advertising is greatly appreciated, as it is one of only two sources of income ensuring this publication's survival.
The Artist’s Journal has been in publication since 1997. Over the years, it has become known to many Arts Councils, Art Groups and Organizations. The Artist's Journal is on their "media mailing lists" and receives their news regularly. This makes The Artist’s Journal the most concentrated source of Calls for Entry in BC and a valuable source for artists who paint or draw. As a result, artists can spend less time seeking places to exhibit their work and more time at their easels.
If you paint or draw and want to sell your work, you need The Artist's Journal!
The Artist's Journal will stop publishing
in March 2025 (next year).
Until then, business will continue as usual!
Read the editor's goodbye letter
Effective Visual Enterprises (E.V.E.) publishes The Artist’s Journal. This Calls publication was created in 1997 by Eve Lees, a portrait artist, graphic designer and former newspaper editor.
Why advertise or post your art news in The Artist’s Journal?
Its readers will tell you why . . .
Your Artist's Journal has given me so many opportunities that I would never have found on my own. My Goddess paintings will be exhibited at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre from October to December this year (2023), and it was all because I saw their call in The Artist's Journal. So, thank you! ~ Sally Clark
I always try to encourage The Artist's Journal to other artists as it is so beneficial!
You have done such dedicated and wonderful work on The Artist's Journal, Eve for so many years. Thank you. ~ Marilyn Goodridge
Thank you for sending the complimentary issue of your journal. I enjoyed looking through it. (I love the quiz! I got all four questions right!). Thanks also for including our Call for Animal. ~ Gallery Ring Team
Thank you so much for featuring me and my art in your wonderful newsletter. You should know that I am making very good use of it. It has helped me find shows and calls for artists where I made submissions and ended up exhibiting and making sales. Keep up the good work! ~ Tatjana Mirkov-Popovicki
It will take me days to go over and absorb this latest Artist's Journal - it is so informative. ~ Sarah Nadeau
Thanks for getting in touch. I didn’t know where all the interest was coming from! I’ve had a number of artists get in touch. Thanks for spreading the word. – Rita Beiks,
Curator, Art Program Manager, Vancouver Airport
Getting the “late calls” resulted in me learning about the Residency Program on Mount Revelstoke and having a fabulous experience this summer! – Wendy Mould, Langley
My ad in the January issue brought me five new students! ~ Wesely Wiseman, Coquitlam
Thank you for your wonderful publication. It provides a much-needed service to the arts community. – Barbara Gould
I want to thank you for sending copies of The Artist’s Journal to the Fort Langley Artists Group. You do a wonderful job of it. It’s such a marvellous service for all artists and it is greatly appreciated. – Sharon Danhelka, Fort Langley
Could you re-run the Coquitlam Library’s request for displayers? We have had a number of displayers contact us as a result of the ad! – Barbara Weston, Coquitlam Public Library.
I find your publication really useful. After two issues, I’ve been accepted in one juried show and have two pieces in the North Vancouver Art Rental. – Katherine Johnston, Halfmoon Bay.
Please find enclosed my subscription for two years. Congratulations on your excellent publication. For a small publication, it is amazing how much there is to read.
– Pat Feeney, Aldergrove.
Thanks to your publication, we received a couple of submissions to our shows from the mainland! Yeah! – Shannon Oatway, Coast Collective Arts Centre, Colwood.
Thanks for your coverage! A lady visited the Miniatures Show recently and said she had read of it in The Artist’s Journal. – Carol Hepnar, Kent/Harrison Arts Council
Please send me another year of The Artist’s Journal. I read it from the first word to the last of every issue. I really appreciate this Journal. Good stuff! – Claire Louise Stephen, Maple Ridge
We would like to thank you for your artist's (subscribers) wonderful contributions to our "Lockdown Gallery" last year! – Jane and the team at The Earth Project (Sept 2021)
I enjoy your publication.
What a mine of information you are!
– Pat Hoffman, White Rock
Once again, we are in your debt for including a call for art listing for Room Magazine in The Artist’s Journal. It remains that our best art seems to come in response to the listing in your publication. We get more responses from your publication than from any of our other efforts! – Lucill Dahm, Room Magazine, Vancouver.
Thank you for putting this wonderful wealth of information together. I’m already working on the first of my submissions. – Erin Bulycz, Burnaby
Your Jan-March issue was a worthwhile find full of great networking information. For instance, I joined the Burnaby Arts Council and participated in its Burnaby Art Walk, then its Millennium Exhibit. The CNIB (art auction fundraiser) threw a lovely reception for the artists. Thank you. I can’t wait to receive the next Artist’s Journal! – Penny Lim, Vancouver
I am in a show this weekend because of your publication. Well worth the money! Thank you many times. – Joseph Noel, Surrey.
It was through The Artist’s Journal that I found out about Painters at Painters. My husband and I are looking forward to a wonderful weekend in the presence of the Masters. Thank you and good luck in all your ventures! – Jean Smith, Burnaby
You published a mistake! This festival is by invitation only. We did not want to be solicited by artists and we keep getting calls! – Maureen Douglas, Whistler Arts Festival
(Not her exact words, but darn close and more proof of this publication's popularity!)